Published in Association with the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM).
CCLM is the official journal of the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) and publishes regularly EFLM recommendations and news. CCLM is the official journal of the National Societies from Austria (ÖGLMKC); Belgium (RBSLM); Germany (DGKL); Hungary (MLDT); Ireland (ACBI); Italy (SIBioC); Portugal (SPML); Slovenia (SZKK); and Turkey (TBD); and it is affiliated to AACB (Australia) and SFBC (France).
Aims & Scope: CCLM keeps you up-to-date with the latest developments in the clinical laboratory sciences. It reports on progress in fundamental and applied research. CCLM is an essential tool for laboratorians, clinical chemists and allied health professionals who wish to keep abreast of the innovations in the clinical laboratory.
Areas Covered Include: clinical biochemistry, clinical molecular biology and proteomics, hematology and coagulation, immunology, microbiology, drug monitoring and analysis, evaluation of diagnostic markers, new reagents, reference materials, reference values, and quality in laboratory medicine. Reviews And Minireviews: In addition to original research articles, regularly published reviews, minireviews and opinion papers written by leading experts in the field keep you informed of latest advances in the clinical laboratory sciences. Other article types: CCLM further promotes communication concerning the topics above by the publication of guidelines and recommendations, point/counterpoint papers, letters to the editor, and editorials. EFLM Papers: CCLM is closely linked to the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) and publishes selected EFLM recommendations and EFLM news. Abstracted / Indexed In: Academic One (Gale Cengage); Academic Search; Advanced Placement Source; BIOBASE / CABS (Current Awareness in Biological Sciences); Biological Abstracts; BIOSIS Previews; Current Contents / Life Sciences; EMBASE; File Analytical Abstracts; CAB Abstracts; Celdes, CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastucture); CNPIEC; Deep Indexing: Science Journals; Discovery Service (EBSCO); Global Health; Google Scholar; Illustrata: Natural Sciences; Illustrata: Technology; J-Gate; Journal Citation Reports / Science Edition; Materials Research Database; Medline; Microsoft Academic Search; Naviga (Softweco); Neurosciences Abstracts; Primo Central (ExLibris); Prous Science Integrity; PubMed; PubsHub; Science Citation Index; Science Citation Index Expanded; SCOPUS; Summon (Serials Solutions/ProQuest); TDOne (TDNet); Technology Research Database; TOC Premier; WorldCat (OCLC).
Readership / Leserschaft Academics, Physicians, Laboratorians, Clinical Chemists, Students.
3 Mal:
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Mengenstaffel (Seiten)
3 Seiten:
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6 Seiten:
15,00 %
12 Seiten:
20,00 %
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