Published in Germany, this English-language business journal serves as the official publication of AmCham Germany. Advertisements in the magazine may appear in English or German.
With its strong thematic focus, commerce germany informs and updates its readers on current topics in the transatlantic economy as well as the activities of AmCham Germany and its members in the areas of advocacy and networking. The reporting is in-depth and content-driven.
commerce germany is available as a print version and as pdf for download on www.amcham.
de - AmCham Germany’s website.
After publication, the magazine will be advertised online on the AmCham Germany website and on social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Good reasons for your Ad in commerce germany
- Focused: Each issue focuses on a topic that is looked at from many angles.
- Informative: Substantial articles by authors from business, politics and science.
- Cross-media: Combination of print title and website - visibility at all levels.
- Flexible: Advertisements can appear in both German and English.
- Approximately 2,500 members - directly dispatched by AmCham Germany to its members
- Selected executives from politics, business and academia in Germany, Europe and the US
- Copies are made available to participants at numerous AmCham Germany events held throughout Germany.
- Issues are offered in select airport and hotel executive lounges.
2 Mal:
3,00 %
3 Mal:
5,00 %
4 Mal:
10,00 %
Mengenstaffel (Seiten)
2 Seiten:
5,00 %
3 Seiten:
10,00 %
4 Seiten:
15,00 %
Bei einer Buchung gelten die AGB des jeweiligen Vermarkters. Diese werden Ihnen im Zuge einer Buchung zur Verfügung gestellt.
Vorteile von Print-Werbung auf Commerce Germany:
- Zielgruppengenaue Ansprache
- Hohe Kontaktintensität
- Aktive Nutzung durch die Zielgruppe ohne Ablenkung
- Freie Wahl von Ort und Zeit der Nutzung
- Hohe Glaubwürdigkeit und Akzeptanz
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Auf Wunsch erhalten Sie selbstverständlich auch eine ausführliche persönliche Beratung durch unser Media-Team, um Ihre Print-Werbung in Commerce Germany möglichst effektiv umzusetzen. Des Weiteren vermitteln wir Ihnen auch alle notwendigen weiterführenden Leistungen. Damit haben Sie alles für Ihre Anzeige in Commerce Germany in einer Hand und müssen sich um nichts weiter kümmern.
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