Communication Director, the journal for corporate communications and public relations in Europe, is a 100-page magazine published quarterly in English. Each issue provides an in-depth look at a new theme within the field of European PR and communications, with articles, interviews and studies by academics and professionals. It presents positions and opinions on strategic questions from today's leading experts while tracking transnational developments and discussing their relevance from a European perspective. It also covers current news from the world of PR from the indiviuals and organisations who embody the internationalisation of their profession.
TARGET GROUP Communication Director is the leading magazine for corporate communications and public relations in Europe. It is an official partner of the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD), the largest network of in-house communicators across Europe. Communication Director is made for leading PR professionals by leading PR professionals. Both contributors and readers alike range from corporate heads at some of Europe's largest companies, prominent academics, and widelyrenowned thought-leaders in the field of communications and public relations.
Bei einer Buchung gelten die AGB des jeweiligen Vermarkters. Diese werden Ihnen im Zuge einer Buchung zur Verfügung gestellt.
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- Zielgruppengenaue Ansprache
- Hohe Kontaktintensität
- Aktive Nutzung durch die Zielgruppe ohne Ablenkung
- Freie Wahl von Ort und Zeit der Nutzung
- Hohe Glaubwürdigkeit und Akzeptanz
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