Diva Magazine, which is the ‘Diva of the Magazines’, started in 2003. It has become the leading magazine of principles and has always respected privacy. It shares with its readers the latest news about social life and magazine events every week.
After 13 years of countless achievements, we have started our journey in Europe. Diva Europe, which published 10.000 copies and which includes news in German and Turkish about politics, culture, tourism, magazine, health, education, entertainment, communication, real estate, fairs, and business life, has started to appear in very important cities of Germany; namely, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Essen, Berlin, and Frankfurt. Our next aim for Diva Europe is to make it a magazine that is followed with its new projects and content in all cities of Europe.
With the special agreement made with Tepe Akfen Airlines (TAV), Diva Europe has reached free of charge to all passengers thanks to our stands in the areas of domestic and international flights in the airports of Ýstanbul. Our magazine, which aims to be a bridge between Europe and Turkey, will always be up-to-date with its special news and the interviews with successful business people, stars, lawyers, and the representatives of beauty sector, who achieved success in their fields. Besides our published issues, you will be able to follow us from our mobile applications.
Diva Europe, which will be ready with its different and special news in April, is going on its endeavour. If you need further information about Diva Europe or if you have advertisement-related work, please contact us from our addresses below.
Bei einer Buchung gelten die AGB des jeweiligen Vermarkters. Diese werden Ihnen im Zuge einer Buchung zur Verfügung gestellt.
Vorteile von Print-Werbung auf Diva Avrupa:
- Zielgruppengenaue Ansprache
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- Freie Wahl von Ort und Zeit der Nutzung
- Hohe Glaubwürdigkeit und Akzeptanz
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