In focus: Security in privat & business sector, society and governmental sector The potential threats to the economy, society and the state are increasing and require greater efforts to ensure security in all areas of life. This development has given rise to four particular topics with regard to modern security management and the use of technology. In 2024, we are dedicating a special place in our editorial work to these four topics: 1Critical infrastructures: modern states and economies can only function successfully if their infrastructures are protected. Two specials (KRITIS) present all aspects of KRITIS and shed light on solutions and management.
2Artificial intelligence (AI): With a special (AI) in 2024, specific aspects of AI and its relevance to the security industry will be covered. Artificial intelligence is one of the most important key technologies and will change many applications in security technology.
3 IT security: In a world characterised by globalisation and international networking, the competitiveness of companies increasingly depends on the secure and reliable operation of IT structures within the company. The protection of sensitive data plays a special role due to the intensifying threat situation - including cybercrime and industrial espionage. EuroSec_IT will be taking up topics relating to cyber security twice this year.
4Security management: In 2024, a special will deal with the topic of security management. The focus will be on issues relating to the management and organisation of security activities. Risk management, which includes all measures for systematically identifying, analysing, evaluating, monitoring and controlling risks, will be the focus here.
Introduction 5 Smart Home / Smart Life: Smartphones and digital gadgets are increasingly dominating the world, including people's private lives. How is security organised in this context? On the one hand, building technology forms a basis for implementing security systems in technical environments, while on the other, independent apps and cloud applications are becoming increasingly important. The aim here is to present added value and other perspectives.
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