FRÄULEIN is a magazine that ignites a dialogue and continues conversations for the cultured.
The aim of FRÄULEIN magazine is to represent a wide variety of people and opinions who value the idea of knowledge and the arts through visually appealing images and words, placing females at the forefront of these conversations. FRÄULEIN takes time for wellresearched stories and playful design. FRÄULEIN does not only mirror the present, it chooses to live in it.
The goal is taking a stand, and creating a strong vision that is built on our everyday lives which interweave culture, fashion, politics, and more. FRÄULEIN is one of the leading pop culture magazines. The aim is to push boundaries of conversation, and to implement this dialogue into everyday conversations- not simply through our curated imagery, but through our topics of conversation including art, culture, fashion, voice, and the industry of beauty.
FRÄULEIN covers a wide range of emotions for the intelligent, cultured, curious, and stylish woman. The FRÄULEIN reader has an eye for detail and she knows this is how true style is detected- by honing in on one's own. These are the women who know what they want and are not too bashful to vocalise their feelings; women who dare to be authentic, emotional, and question authority. FRÄULEIN magazine is about creating a new normal and starting a dialogue for engaging in topics that may at first come across as taboo. It is a love letter and a space for all international, forward-thinking women, and for a generation that vows never to be basic or boring.
TARGET GROUP Often submerged in cultural topics, the FRÄULEIN reader has a penchant for popular cultural news that meets the art world. The FRÄULEIN reader seeks new avenues to get their daily digestible news, whether it be a different angle on a dominating opinion, or a Topic that is not in today's mainstream reports. The reader embodies fresh radical ideas and approaches challenging minds.
As a magazine, FRÄULEIN is of a female perspective of the world, however this does not discriminate anybody from being a reader. The FRÄULEIN reader seeks quality content and does not uphold the traditional and rails against outdated conventional stereotypes. FRÄULEIN magazine is about creating a new normal, and starting a dialogue for engaging topics.
It is a love letter to pop, and a space for all forward-thinking generations around the world.
Bei einer Buchung gelten die AGB des jeweiligen Vermarkters. Diese werden Ihnen im Zuge einer Buchung zur Verfügung gestellt.
Vorteile von Print-Werbung auf Fräulein:
- Zielgruppengenaue Ansprache
- Hohe Kontaktintensität
- Aktive Nutzung durch die Zielgruppe ohne Ablenkung
- Freie Wahl von Ort und Zeit der Nutzung
- Hohe Glaubwürdigkeit und Akzeptanz
Fräulein bietet verschiedene Formate für Ihre Printanzeige. So können Sie Ihre Anzeige individuell an Ihr vorhandenes Budget anpassen. Schalten Sie jetzt Ihre Print-Anzeige in einer der nächsten Ausgaben von Fräulein und seien Sie in einer der beliebten Zeitungen vom Verlag "Off One's Rocker Publishing Ltd." vertreten. Profitieren Sie von der einfachen und schnellen Abwicklung Ihrer Print-Werbung in Fräulein.
Auf Wunsch erhalten Sie selbstverständlich auch eine ausführliche persönliche Beratung durch unser Media-Team, um Ihre Print-Werbung in Fräulein möglichst effektiv umzusetzen. Des Weiteren vermitteln wir Ihnen auch alle notwendigen weiterführenden Leistungen. Damit haben Sie alles für Ihre Anzeige in Fräulein in einer Hand und müssen sich um nichts weiter kümmern.
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