The Journal of Perinatal Medicine is a truly international forum covering the entire field of perinatal medicine. It is an essential news source for all those obstetricians, neonatologists, perinatologists and allied health professionals who wish to keep abreast of progress in perinatal and related research. Ahead-of-print publishing ensures fastest possible knowledge transfer Review articles thoroughly examine theoretical and practical aspects of all subdisciplines Original contributions report on new results, particularly from the clinical and experimental areas - Short communications ensure rapid publication of new/preliminary results - Opinion papers provide statements on themes of topical interest - Letters to the editor provide information and different views on controversial topics - WAPM-Newsletters inform about the academic, organisational and political aims and objectives of the Association.
All contributions submitted for publication are critically reviewed by at least two renowned experts in the field in order to ensure the constant high quality of the journal.
Readership JPM appeals to clinicians, practioners, researchers and allied health professionals working in obstetrics and gynecology (including mursing and midwifery), neonatology and perinatology or other related medical fields.
Occupation: Research % University Hospitals approx. 65 per cent Hospitals / Infirmaries approx. 30 per cent; Industry approx. 5 per cent Location: The Americas, Canada approx. 35 per cent; Austria, Germany, Switzerland approx. 30 per cent; Europe (excl. A, D, CH) approx. 25 per cent; Asia, Rest of the World approx. 10 per cent; Academic degree: Professor approx. 25 per cent; PhDw/habilitation (’PD DR’) approx. 5 per cent PhD / MD approx.
50 per cent Diploma / PhD / MD students approx. 20 per cent
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- Freie Wahl von Ort und Zeit der Nutzung
- Hohe Glaubwürdigkeit und Akzeptanz
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