LODOWN FACTS (est.1995) The magazine is a quality over quantity project... and we have come a long way. Lodown Magazine was founded in 1995 and has been copied a lot ever since. Due to its high standard of presentation - a hybrid of a text-heavy style guide and muse for the eye - this collectible is seen by many readers.
With an international circulation of 36.000 copies (distributed to selected key-stores, showrooms, galleries, hotels and art-book stores) it sums up to an average of almost 300.000 people that see each issue.
'... by Lodown Magazine' is released 4 times a year in a shape shifting format and monothematic fashion, accompanied by launch parties, exhibitions and nightlife events. The "Lodown Web Magazine" is separated into two parts: a 'Pulse' and a 'Feature' section, both filled with universal truths from that big bubble named pop culture, which transforms the web magazine into a dynamic, interactive, real-time content source. And the best thing: it's for free! Lodown Magazine isn't only a precursor of mainstream culture, it is pop, cool, coded, progressive, influential, multi-layered, opinionated and timeless.
SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC READER PROFILE Lodown readers are cosmopolitical lifestyle- and fashion conscious individuals, tastemakers and trendsetters with a sophisticated sense for music, contemporary art, artistic sports and leftfield cinema. Lodown readers are people in the know, tasteful crate diggers that realize how to differ between the mainstream and subcultures, even though they clearly like both as it forms the current Zeitgeist. They know about this big bubble that goes by the name of pop culture and therefore are open to new ideas. The target audience mainly is between their early twenties and late thirties... 65% are male, 35% female.
Bei einer Buchung gelten die AGB des jeweiligen Vermarkters. Diese werden Ihnen im Zuge einer Buchung zur Verfügung gestellt.
Vorteile von Print-Werbung auf Lodown Magazine:
- Zielgruppengenaue Ansprache
- Hohe Kontaktintensität
- Aktive Nutzung durch die Zielgruppe ohne Ablenkung
- Freie Wahl von Ort und Zeit der Nutzung
- Hohe Glaubwürdigkeit und Akzeptanz
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