WHY NOMAD? nomad-a person who, from time to time and as the feeling takes them, searches out new places and locations. In doing so, their sense of liberty allows them to focus exclusively on their own needs and life ideals, which are in tune with their existence and way of life. They bring all of this to life. In this way, the term can be used as a metaphor, both for carving out a personal sense of individual identity-in line with life goals and lifestyle-as well as for the development of modern society in a more general sense.
GENERAL CLAIM The title of the magazine can therefore be seen as a synonym for change, societal transformation and the individuals within our society as well as the search for new perspectives and positions for a future which is truly worth living.
GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE From nomad's perspective, all disciplines which play a role in shaping society and our day-to-day reality, including design, architecture, culture and the internet, provide valuable contributions in updating and shaping our visions for the future, all with a human focus in mind. The focus of this is on people, their ideals, as well as their courage to pursue an idea and willingness to change things for the greater good.
INDIVIDUAL PERSPECTIVE To all intents and purposes, nomad is a magazine for design and society. It interprets design as a medium through which the future can be shaped. Design can therefore be seen as a catalyst for societal developments and individual lifestyles.
TARGET GROUPS Early adopters-Influencers-Critical thinkers-Well travelled Creatives-Highly educated and cultured-High income-Open minded
nomad readers belong to a sophisticated premium target group: they are educated and urbane, have a considerate and cultured global perspective on things and are often active within creative professional fields, in which they are happy to take up the mantle of thought leader. They travel regularly to creative cities all over the world. They are confidently stylish and possess sophisticated tastes. They are always on the lookout for the latest trends and developments. They do not take lightly the subject of our future; they cast a critical eye over current trends. They are opinion leaders who want to play a significant role in shaping our future.
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Vorteile von Print-Werbung auf nomad:
- Zielgruppengenaue Ansprache
- Hohe Kontaktintensität
- Aktive Nutzung durch die Zielgruppe ohne Ablenkung
- Freie Wahl von Ort und Zeit der Nutzung
- Hohe Glaubwürdigkeit und Akzeptanz
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