Numéro Berlin is the platform and a reflection of a new German style and of an ambitious creative generation, which forms art, culture and fashion in a new way. We want to convey this on a local and international level in all facets. By combining the power of images and words, the magazine creates a new language - staged by the most talented and best authors and photographers worldwide
Like the talent showcased in Numéro Berlin, we want to to strike new paths fearlessly, to break away from the usual thought patterns and to challenge determined habits. While doing so we are inspired by the international world of art and fashion, but also by the hedonistic history of the city which is Berlin. A city which has been considered as the most liberal city in the world for a long time - and which is now on the right pathway to becoming as free-spirited as it has been at the beginning of the 20th century.
Numéro Berlin celebrates fashion with ease and passion
- so do our female readers. They are part of an exciting, constantly changing world and so are we. They live in it, characterize it, and form it at their will. They are high achievers and children and careers are not ruled out for them - if they want both. The Numéro Berlin readers are self-confident in their actions and their decisions.
They celebrate their womanhood, live a self-determined sexuality and have high demands on aesthetics. Clothes and arts are an expression of their personality and a confession to a cosmopolitan world view, in which intellectuality and sensuality are no inconsistencies.
Numéro Berlin is impulsive, intuitively looking for the new. Numéro Berlin wants to be a powerful voice of change. We want to shape an avant-garde aesthetic on the highest international level, which injects the German fashion sector with new energy.
Numéro Berlin is a manifest for a new understanding of luxury. The beautiful can be ugly and the ugly can be beautiful. Fashion has always been a key indicator of today’s world and we want to celebrate this within the pages of the magazine.
Not only for fashion, Numéro Berlin pursues the highest demands. Also the text will reflect the world in which we live profoundly and in a high content level. Art, literature, film and music, but also political topics are analysed and described by sophisticated authors and talented journalists. Like the whole magazine also the text shows the struggle of the wild and fast time in which we live.
Numéro Berlin has developed the status of one of the most important culture and fashion magazines ever by ground-breaking fashion productions and high-grade journalism. The cutting-edge position of the magazine is far beyond the scope of print and France as country of origin and continues in social networks as Facebook and Instagram, on blogs and by selected events and cooperation. Numéro Berlin readers belong to an international class of opinion leaders, which influence others by their style and their consumer behaviour essentially. For them Numéro Berlin has become a real fashionand trend guide. With its credibility and its status the brand Numéro Berlin is the perfect partner for each advertiser, who wants to make their products known within the spearhead of the trendsetting groups.
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Vorteile von Print-Werbung auf Numéro Berlin:
- Zielgruppengenaue Ansprache
- Hohe Kontaktintensität
- Aktive Nutzung durch die Zielgruppe ohne Ablenkung
- Freie Wahl von Ort und Zeit der Nutzung
- Hohe Glaubwürdigkeit und Akzeptanz
Numéro Berlin bietet verschiedene Formate für Ihre Printanzeige. So können Sie Ihre Anzeige individuell an Ihr vorhandenes Budget anpassen. Schalten Sie jetzt Ihre Print-Anzeige in einer der nächsten Ausgaben von Numéro Berlin und seien Sie in einer der beliebten Zeitungen vom Verlag "Off One's Rocker Publishing Ltd." vertreten. Profitieren Sie von der einfachen und schnellen Abwicklung Ihrer Print-Werbung in Numéro Berlin.
Auf Wunsch erhalten Sie selbstverständlich auch eine ausführliche persönliche Beratung durch unser Media-Team, um Ihre Print-Werbung in Numéro Berlin möglichst effektiv umzusetzen. Des Weiteren vermitteln wir Ihnen auch alle notwendigen weiterführenden Leistungen. Damit haben Sie alles für Ihre Anzeige in Numéro Berlin in einer Hand und müssen sich um nichts weiter kümmern.
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