The Spanish speaking world - comprising the Iberian Peninsula and Central and South America - is similar to North America in so far as it represents one of the world’s largest geographical areas in which one language (Spanish) is understood and spoken throughout. This contrasts to Europe, or Asia, where a multitude of different languages are important, often within a single country.
To reach this part of the world one needs to approach the people in Spanish. This applies all the more to the complex and sophisticated areas of defence, aerospace and the military in general.
For these reasons TECNOLOGIA MILITAR was established twenty eight years ago. Today TECNOLOGIA MILITAR is the only defence technology journal in Spanish of international reputation, significance, and relevance.
TECNOLOGIA MILITAR provides information on defence and security matters with a specific emphasis on the political, economic and operational conditions of Latin America and the Iberic Peninsula. In addition articles on international highlights, technical description of modern weapon systems and status reports on procurement programmes are regular features of the publication.
The magazine’s editorial approach thus reflects the drive by the armed forces of the Spanish-speaking countries towards establishing themselves as reliable partners in the global defence community, as demonstrated amongst other aspects by their increasing participation in international peace support operations. This trend underlines the need for appropriate modernization efforts, to involve both the structure and the equipment for all armed services in the respective countries.
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Mengenstaffel (Seiten)
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