The Munich Security Conference (MSC) is the world's leading forum for debating international security policy. It is a venue for diplomatic initiatives to address the world's most pressing security concerns.
Each February, it brings together the leading heads of state and government, senior cabinet o cials, chief executives, boardroom directors and senior experts in foreign and security policy from all over the world.
In 2022, the MSC will continue to discuss current and future challenges of international security and the multilateral order as traditional certainties are crumbling, threats and vulnerabilities are multiplying, and the rules-based order is increasingly under attack. The need for dialogue has never been greater.
The Security Times is a media partner of the MSC and is published annually to coincide with the main conference in February and other important international events. The English-language paper, which is independent and global in its outlook, examines central questions of foreign, economic and security policy. Contributors include leading journalists and recognized experts working in the fi eld of security policy as well as high-ranking decision-makers from government and the private sector.
The Security Times has a dedicated and exclusive readership. In addition to the MSC conference edition, the paper will also be published in "Der Hauptstadtbrief" as supplement of the German Tier-One media magazine "FOCUS" and distributed directly to decision-makers as well as key institutions all over the world via closed circulation and digital channels. According to a media resonance analysis of the MSC, reporting on the past Munich conferences regularly reaches more than 2.0 billion people worldwide.
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