The journal Trillium Pathology supports pathology institutes in digitizing their infrastructure and work processes. Scientific papers and review articles on current developments in digital and computer-aided pathology, as well as field reports provide a comprehensive overview of existing solutions and future developments, thus making it easier to get started.
Numerous new digital technologies have been opening up new possibilities in the digitization of pathology for several years. They enable, among other things, the integration of pathology institutes into the telematics infrastructure and electronic tumor reporting, as well as the networking of pathology information systems with clinical information systems and electronic patient records.
Communication standards such as the HL7-family and DICOM as well as standard terminologies such as LOINC and SNOMED CT and standards for laboratory communication such as LDT play a major role here.
Within the pathology lab, digitization is an important component for controlling and optimizing workflows, which is crucial for automation. Virtual microscopy allows streamlining of the entire diagnostic process, offers higher reliability of diagnoses and thus contributes to improved patient safety. Furthermore, algorithms validated by artificial intelligence could support highly specialized pathologists in time-consuming and complex diagnostic tasks in the future
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